The Deed is Done

The deed is done, but I didn’t get to do it like I wanted.  He texted me one evening with kisses and cuddles, and I had to gather my courage.  I told him that I wanted to talk to him and not text.  I guess he didn’t like the idea of voices either because he insisted that texting was the same as talking.

I took all of the blame; really it is my fault because I am just not into him.  It was hardly taking one for the team.  I told him every excuse possible, like throwing darts and hoping one would stick.  I am not so good at darts.  Listing issues with past relationships, my own selfishness, and commitment problems, I tried it all, everything but me actually admitting that I didn’t think of him THAT way. I even said he deserved better, and his only response was why.  I dished out some compliments for him, but he just kept trying to fix all the issues.   Finally I felt like I completed the task.

As with any break up, I considered that maybe I didn’t try hard enough to make it work.  I closed my eyes trying to think of my original complaints.  All I could see was his huge lips and tongue flopping out of his mouth; a giant monster trying to slime me.  After our words, I tucked myself into bed and heard yet another text.  Questioning details of our conversation, I assumed it was someone else.  Nope, he wanted to tell me that when I am ready he wants to “cuddle more and more and more.”  I rolled my eyes and covered up.  The pling of my phone goes again, he reminds me that he is also recently out of a bad relationship, and we could help each other.  I turned off my phone.

The next morning, in the world of technology, I got online.  He has sent me a message on my Facebook, luckily not on my wall but a private message.  It says that after his night at the bar at 2 AM (a real gentleman HA!), he is thinking of me and wants to kiss me all over.  This was my sign to turn up the mean; was I the only one part of the “conversation” last night?  I replied that I don’t need the kissing right now that I am confused and not ready.  I don’t hear back from him for a day or two.  I am thinking that message must have hit home.  Until I realized he has posted HIS NAME “wants to be spending his time with a certain blonde hair blued-eyed girl.”  His friends had posted all kind of random responses to his post.  My sister has even posted a witty “You want to hang out with me?”  He has replied that she is taken and that won’t work.  The final post was “Be careful what you wish for.”  I so wanted to list my own response, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction that I am reading his post.  It would give him the wrong idea.

My job now is to avoid him, I guess.  I have no other choice.  Even without contact, he is still ever-present.  I still think I did the right thing.  My BFF tells me that if I really liked him I would like his “cuddling and kissing all over” comments.  She is normally always right and knows me better than I know myself at times, but for now the comments just disgust me.  I just need to be alone….without guys for now.  I am not desperate.  I do not need to date.  My life is full, and I don’t have to go out with someone I don’t totally like just to have a free dinner.  Better luck next time.

One thought on “The Deed is Done

  1. A random Jill says:

    OMG!! Thanks for saying. I was having a really bad day and your comment made me feel better:)

    You are amazing, and you don’t have to settle. I’m proud of you. Stick to your guns, or restraining order, which ever works

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