Friendship, Love, or Multiple Orgasms???

My relationships are like a bad aftertaste that can span over years.  Either I invest too many emotions in them or the other person does.  D is done…officially. Five years of a love-hate relationship bookend by sex.  String free sex does not exist, at least not with him.  He wants to sow his oats all over town.  I am confident it is over…for now.  He may be someone who revisits every five years.

Simultaneously, Boz, from three summers ago, calls at least once every three months.  (I think I can use his real nickname here; because sadly, he has a nickname.)  Now I’ve mentioned him briefly before, but I didn’t admit to why I even consider him an option.  He lives with his parents and is literally a farmhand at thirty-five.  Still he is hung like a horse.  Something that might require work for many men, he does not have to try at all, which is good because he would never be able to find the spot on his own.  His mother spoiled him, but his father is probably hung, too.  She is just delusional from multiple orgasms throughout her many years of marriage.  I have always toyed with the idea of Boz, but once he is allowed in; he won’t leave. EVER. The list goes on and on with him.

Of course with my need for a change, I began to revaluate my relationship goals.   Based on my lessons in life over the last five years, I have learned the terrible truth about being friends with men.  Perhaps after a few more mistakes, I will realize that guys are only friends until they get into your pants. No matter how good of friends I thought I was with a man; they have proven to only be friends with alterative motives.

Second I learned, having a large penis is not everything….at least not for a long period of time.  Being well endowed is like being blind…okay not really, but blind people are supposed to have better hearing.  Having an enormous cock takes away from their brains.  Boz reminded me of this when he sexted me about licking my kilt.

In addition, I learned that honesty is not essential in those early dates for men.  Some guys will tell you anything.   When Jared told me on our first date that he wasn’t seriously dating anyone; I should have questioned further.  It was a little odd when our third date ended in me forcing him to admit the rumors of his engagement were true.

Furthermore, I broke a rule and actually dated a parent of a former student.  I was head over heels in love and dumped after I left for a school trip to Washington DC.  He married within the year.  Another dating fluke included my perfect gentleman.  Keegan called when he said, dropped flowers before our first date, opened car doors, paid for dinner, and was unemployed.  Once he got a job, he breaks up with me because I did not seem interested since he did all the calling.  In truth, I never had a chance to call; he always had the right timing.  It was all good because as a gentleman, he was slow to go around the bases.  All those manners apparently slow down the sex because after several dates, he stayed on first.  Perhaps he was hoping for another batter to hit him in.

Which brings me to the purpose of this blog; relationships are based on what?  Friendship?  True Love?  Multiple orgasms?  I think the lowdown dirty truth is that I am going to have to start completely over.  Pass on D; pass on the gigantic dick; pass on hidden girlfriends and fiancées.  Start over when someone I don’t know at all.  Start with first names and the whole shebang. And you, my blog, the people who do not actually know me, the people who may judge but do not speak, I promise to keep you in the loop.  I promise to try to move out of my comfort zone to find some new sex.  Now if only we could get guys with the big cock to wear a pin or something.

Tosh.Maybe if I’m Awake

Daniel Tosh may be the biggest tool on television, but that does not stop him from being as sexy as your second cousin during a long dry spell.  If he was not funny, he would never get laid.  Still, I caught myself laughing at one of his inappropriate jokes about women and realized he was sadly correct.  Tosh said, and this is hardly a quote, that women associate the feeling of love with orgasms, and that is why he never lets a woman get to orgasm.   Not a hard feat for many guys, but Tosh made me think about my own relationships.

Guys are definitely better in their old age.  Forty-something is better than twenty-something, and before that just does not count.  Forty-something are not in such a rush because they are old, face it.  They figure that they can do it once well and twice is pushing it.  Do it right the first time.  On top of busy lives, once a week would be excellent.

I love D more and more each time I hang out with him.  A year ago we were hanging out nightly, just chatting and watching TV.  I said no over and over again to his advances and flirtious behavior.  Months and months of chatting, finally I put out.  Now we never hang out without the purpose of having sex.  He cannot even visit without finishing the deal.  This would be perfectly fine, of course, if he still visited five times a week.  But now he “works” instead.  I see him every two or three weeks.  Clearly he has another girl or maybe he is just that old or maybe he really is masturbating in a hotel room on a job site in some random city in Ohio or Illinois like he says.  Regardless his phone does not work for some reason.  He is completely absence for a good two weeks after penetration.    I am smarter than this, still….

“They” say that the average husband would prefer sex five or six times a week.  But, D is not that great of a catch on the surface, so I can’t imagine him having girls all over the tri-state area.  In a attempt to get over my feelings for him, I have tried to convince myself of these flaws.  His balding head and dick shed…his poor grammar and his redneck ways….really, he is not much on the outside.  So, it must be the “inside” or is it just the orgasm?  Each time, I am so angry with him, but every time he comes around again I am all for it.  Is this love?  Or is this an orgasm that I have confused as love?



I wrote this years ago.  I thought I had lost it but no.  It isn’t about D, but it could be.

I’m a Loser
(Double meaning:  Am I loser?  Or am I just a loser for writing a poem about being a loser?)

All I can think of is what I did wrong.
I know I didn’t do anything wrong.
I tell myself this,
Only to continue to question
My every move
Our every conversation
My every thought
Was I delirious?

I was TRYING not to be delirious.
Did I do it wrong
Even when I was trying to do
Everything RIGHT?

Did I NOT make myself look
Did I NOT make myself look

When he asked what I did for entertainment,
Was I too quick to come to an answer?
Should I have offered more than one answer?
I merely assumed I would be able to tell him
Something better about myself.
I didn’t realize I had only one chance.

Was he using big words
Because everyone is always threatened
By the ENGLISH teacher?
Was he acting like someone he wasn’t?
Was he living in the moment
So he wasn’t lying?

Was I acting like someone I wasn’t?
Was I not living in the moment?
Did I just ASSume I had more time?

I thought we were comfortable.
Was I in denial?

I imagine this girl
Overweight in a swimsuit
She shouldn’t be wearing
She has big hair like she is
Trapped in the 80s.

How could someone like this
Beat me out?

I want her to be gross,
But I want her to be great.
Who would trade me for
Someone less than me.

Is it really my place to determine
Who is less than me?

I can’t be that bad.
Am I just that full of myself?
I know I don’t want to
Be with someone who thinks I’m
Second best,
But I do WANT someone.

When is it my turn?
What do I have to be to get past
One mere month?
Why do my relationships
All end FAST?
What did I say wrong?
Was I too girly?
Was I not girly enough?
Did I complain too much?
Did I not laugh at his jokes enough?
Did I pick dumb movie?
Did I not make good conversation?
Did he lie?
Did I lie?
Was I blind by looks?
Was I blind by my stupidity?
What the HELL did he really want?
What the HELL did I really want?
Did I misread every
Did I think it was
More than it was?
Was he that good of a
Was he just in the
Was I not paying attention
To the signs?
What could I have done

I thought I had better judgment.
I thought we were so ADULT
In every conversation.
Was I just making myself
Believe this?
Was I lying to myself?
Every thought
Every conversation
Every action
Every cliché
Every move
Has to be
Over thought

I know I can’t do anything
To fix it.
I want to send a
Mean text.
I want to shake him.
I don’t want him to
Change his mind now though.
Nothing good can come from me

In the end,
What is wrong with me?
I know there isn’t anything
Wrong with me!
Yet, I have to think about it.
Yet, I have analyze it.
I have dumped guys for
STUPID reasons.

To each his own.
I can’t make him
A Certain Way.

Why didn’t he realize how cool I am?
Maybe only my BFF thinks I am cool?
Why wouldn’t he see how
GREAT of a catch I am?
Why do I want to be a fish?
Why does my mind do this to me?

He’s Just Not that Into You

Okay, I have accepted that I can no longer date this poor boy. I just hate to break the news to him. I toyed with the idea of telling him the truth, but now I have decided to use an old stand by.

I read He’s Just Not that Into You because I was heartbroken at the time. I recalled all the stupid excuses I have heard from guys. I recalled all the time boys never called back. I think I enjoyed the men that made excuses over the ones that didn’t call.

Now all I have to do is get brave. In my thirties, I have finally figured out how to break up with people gently…maybe. I just have to get up the nerve. I should practice, “It’s not you, it’s me,” “I just got out of a tough relationship and don’t know that I am ready for a new one so soon.” “I’m being transferred to Yemen.”