I am the PRINCIPAL! LISTEN to me!

I am the principal of PVMS
The Queen, the best of the BEST
No one can do it better than I
I watch over all like a spy in the night.
I see all, I hear all,
People are learning
Whether they like it or not!
My mind is clear;
Waves of emotions fill the halls.

I am the principal of PVMS
And I know what to do.
Collect some ideas
With the twist of some arms,
Add my magic for a special curve,
Invite fancy people to awe
At my school
My students who fear me
My teachers that loathe me
The others that tiptoe around me.
They think I am amazing;
More professional than all.

I am the principal of PVMS
I make rules that can’t be enforced
Holey Jeans, piercings, and gum
Are only a few of the my favorites.
There are many more that I see
With my million eyes in the sky.
I double check my facts with clouded glasses.
I triple check my facts with my belly button.
I am never wrong and always see right.

I am the principal of PVMS
When I am right, I am always right.
I never apologize or thank
Your job is education.
Do not think I am wrong.
It is someone else’s fault, I’m sure
Take a number, pick a week
We’ll go in order so everyone is complete.

I am the principal of PVMS
I can set us on our path to
Multiple-choice test success!
We just need to start by
Teaching our students
It a new idea, I hope ya’ll like it.
Just thought of it now,
Before teachers were doing
Nothing at all.
Many were even hanging around
Way past closing time,
Loitering about, up to no good.
These teachers I target
With skill and delight,
Aiming for heart and making the mark!

I am the principal of PVMS
I care, I love, I won’t give up a fight.
Seven times six is forty-forty
And that other word I can’t remember
We have to come together
We have to work real hard
My job is on the line here
One good reason to at least try
While I degrade, disgust, and digest
The mistakes we’ve made,
I know my way can work.

I am the principal of PVMS
I know it all.
If we’re screwed,
It’s clearly  not my fault.

Sick of Being Sick

I haven’t submitted anything for awhile. Not because I haven’t had stories to tell, I always have stories, but because I can’t seem to tell the stories without incriminating myself.   I know I have freedom of speech, and really I am doing very little wrong since I never name names.  I don’t fear for my students.    People recall funny incidents about students all the time.  I always thought I was going to write a book that would highlight all the humorous episodes I have faced in my teaching career.  In fact, my hopes for this blog were just that.  Somehow, unfortunately, my blog has turned into a rant about my principal.  My life has turned my life into a rant about my principal.

The problem is the more I try to avoid this madness the more the infection spreads.  It has spread into my teaching obviously.  I  over analyze every single word and phrase I say in class.  In some ways it is good to always be looking for way to improve; it is just that the motivation is all wrong.  I actually believe I try to improve regularly anyway.  I guess I am self-motivated.

It has spread into my social and family life.  My mind upon returning from work is not able to relax.  My friends, educators and non, are tired of hearing my stories.  Most of them seem too bizarre to even be believable.  Of course, more bad days require me to restrain my anger even more for the other little things that happen in my life.

As this epidemic spreads, I feel reluctant to continue my blog as it is.  I fear that if that I attempt to force these feelings about my boss out of my blog, I have to change my topic…channel my energy in a more positive way.  I feel that it is time to take a new direction in my blog. I don’t want to continue to moan and groan about my boss.  I may still revisit the topic of school.  My students do surprise me still; I think I am just struggling so hard to be what someone, who I don’t respect or trust, wants me to be that I can’t seem to see all the beauty in teaching. She is quite literally strangling my love of teaching.

I have always wanted to be a teacher.  I will always be a teacher.  I want desperately to be a writer.  I can do both without committing emotional suicide.  I am just going to avoid my struggles with my boss for my own well-being. It will make me a better person or in infect me with the disease of all diseases.   Either way I plan to break free of the hold she seems to have over my life.