Tinder My Foot!

My relationship woes continue.  Of course, it was bound to happen, but I ran into D with the new girl.  Thankfully, she was not a super model, nor am I though.  I have tried to push through.  I don’t need him.  He treated me like crap for the last year; regardless of how he treated me prior to that.  The charm that he had when we first started this evil venture has long since wore off now.  He has not been that man for years.  I really have no idea why I am so hurt by it; my view of this make believe relationship is absurd.  Am I really this delusional?  I find myself wondering if it ever resembled the picture in my head.

ANYHOW, I thought I would change my outlook. I would find a new guy that would be perfect for me….or just someone different to stop my mind from thinking of what the freak went wrong.  My last few relationships have ended miserably.  Not to mention, I seem to actually attract losers.

Now I know what you are thinking…no one just attracts losers.  Well, this time I have actual proof that just by looking at me at first glance, losers stop and notice.

In my attempt to open the door to new people, I joined Tinder.  I know this is probably not the best way, but I am not meeting anyone at work.  The bar seems like loser heaven.  I don’t have a clue how to pick up a guy.  Should I just in a library or a grocery store and wait?  Should I walk loops around the park or go to church?  So, I started small.  I am trying.  I am new at this.

Tinder is a site to meet people in your area.  The app allows you to look through photos and short descriptions of people.  It is linked to Facebook, so it in some cases, you can see if your friends are friends with the person in the photo.  At first it wasn’t bad.  The rejection is painless.  If you like the photo or whatnot, you like it.  If you don’t, you don’t like it.  If the person in the photo receives your photo and also likes it, then you have a match and both people are told

So, all was well.  I met a couple guys too far away, but oh well.  I was still trying.  The other night I was contacted by one guy.  He seemed nice enough, and after a little chatting, he mentioned he thought we knew each other from a high school job.  I vaguely remembered his name, but I figured this was a decent sign.  Apparently we were both in relationships at that time so long ago.   It took another ten minutes of chatting for him to reveal that he was unhappily married and only looking for attention.  (He actually says this!)  He was not sure he wanted to step out on her just yet.  WTF?!?!?  What girl wants this?  Why would I want to give him attention when he is only lacking attention because he’s been an ass to his wife for the last ten years?  When I ask him about it….he says that they are best friends.  Oh isn’t that pretty and cute….what an asshole!

Any suggestions are welcome.  I am thinking I might try just about anything.



I wrote this years ago.  I thought I had lost it but no.  It isn’t about D, but it could be.

I’m a Loser
(Double meaning:  Am I loser?  Or am I just a loser for writing a poem about being a loser?)

All I can think of is what I did wrong.
I know I didn’t do anything wrong.
I tell myself this,
Only to continue to question
My every move
Our every conversation
My every thought
Was I delirious?

I was TRYING not to be delirious.
Did I do it wrong
Even when I was trying to do
Everything RIGHT?

Did I NOT make myself look
Did I NOT make myself look

When he asked what I did for entertainment,
Was I too quick to come to an answer?
Should I have offered more than one answer?
I merely assumed I would be able to tell him
Something better about myself.
I didn’t realize I had only one chance.

Was he using big words
Because everyone is always threatened
By the ENGLISH teacher?
Was he acting like someone he wasn’t?
Was he living in the moment
So he wasn’t lying?

Was I acting like someone I wasn’t?
Was I not living in the moment?
Did I just ASSume I had more time?

I thought we were comfortable.
Was I in denial?

I imagine this girl
Overweight in a swimsuit
She shouldn’t be wearing
She has big hair like she is
Trapped in the 80s.

How could someone like this
Beat me out?

I want her to be gross,
But I want her to be great.
Who would trade me for
Someone less than me.

Is it really my place to determine
Who is less than me?

I can’t be that bad.
Am I just that full of myself?
I know I don’t want to
Be with someone who thinks I’m
Second best,
But I do WANT someone.

When is it my turn?
What do I have to be to get past
One mere month?
Why do my relationships
All end FAST?
What did I say wrong?
Was I too girly?
Was I not girly enough?
Did I complain too much?
Did I not laugh at his jokes enough?
Did I pick dumb movie?
Did I not make good conversation?
Did he lie?
Did I lie?
Was I blind by looks?
Was I blind by my stupidity?
What the HELL did he really want?
What the HELL did I really want?
Did I misread every
Did I think it was
More than it was?
Was he that good of a
Was he just in the
Was I not paying attention
To the signs?
What could I have done

I thought I had better judgment.
I thought we were so ADULT
In every conversation.
Was I just making myself
Believe this?
Was I lying to myself?
Every thought
Every conversation
Every action
Every cliché
Every move
Has to be
Over thought

I know I can’t do anything
To fix it.
I want to send a
Mean text.
I want to shake him.
I don’t want him to
Change his mind now though.
Nothing good can come from me

In the end,
What is wrong with me?
I know there isn’t anything
Wrong with me!
Yet, I have to think about it.
Yet, I have analyze it.
I have dumped guys for
STUPID reasons.

To each his own.
I can’t make him
A Certain Way.

Why didn’t he realize how cool I am?
Maybe only my BFF thinks I am cool?
Why wouldn’t he see how
GREAT of a catch I am?
Why do I want to be a fish?
Why does my mind do this to me?

He Lies, I Swoon.

I love him.
I ache for him.
He lies,
I swoon.

D says that in every relationship there is someone who loves the other more than the other.  I think this is just a sad thought, but maybe more so because it is clearly me who is doing the over loving.  I wonder if this is how he felt before when I was rejecting him.  I still don’t get how to get these feelings back inside him.  I am not sure what I did to make him not feel that love anymore; maybe he never felt that way after all..  I wish it were something easy, like he saw me itch my butt or pick my nose.  However, I am afraid I said no one too many times.

My other selfish thought is perhaps D or someone put a love spell on me, and now I can’t see straight.  My vision is cloudy.  I can’t seem to put a halt on my feelings.  I make deals with myself, and in the end, I find a way to make them work.  I am constantly negotiating with myself, so that I can justify sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend.  But, why would D put a love spell on me then avoid me?

Karma is so going to get me.  Or is this lack of love a karma for something else?

I have not technically cheated on anyone.  I have been the other girl.  I have wrecked a family!  Okay, so maybe the fact that he had a ‘friends with benefits’  (me) through his courtship, engagement, and birth of their child had a factor in the divorce.  Clearly, I wasn’t the only problem; still, I didn’t help the situation.

I have not really caught anyone cheating on me; although I had some suspicions when I lived with a guy in the twenties.  KB and I struggle with his selfish behavior.  He would stay out late and not call.  This was a time before cell phones but still never a good sign.

I have also held back because of girlfriends.  My BFF in college was a dream man at one point.  He had a girlfriend.  I thought eventually he would see me in a different light, and we’d fall in love the right way.  In the end, he cheated on his girlfriend with one of my female BFFs in college.  Ironically we are all still friends, and I am quite happy with how fate worked out.  They are married with three kids.

Still, I could be a better person.  Or are all people a little bad?  Maybe I just like bad boys.  Maybe every guy I ever dated was really just a jerk in disguise.

D is an amazing jerk sometimes.  When we dated five years ago, all I wanted to do was change him….fix him.  Nothing about him has changed, but now, I don’t want to change him.  Yet, he keeps lying about incredibly unimportant things.  Well, I think the lie about completely breaking up with his girlfriend to get me into the shower was a little important.  But, why lie about getting a part-time job?  Is he just ashamed of having to get a second job?

We can’t even be in the same room together without supervision.  No one even seems to care to supervise us either.  At first we are successful, chatting and hanging out just as he had for years before the shower lie.  We just take it too far.  We cross a line, and neither of us ever notices it until it’s too late.  It starts with a touch or a smile….anything really.  If I knew, I could try to prevent it.  In my mind, I try to stop it.  I make deals.  If he doesn’t do this, I will say no.  WTF?  I’m so delusional I have even been known to make request, just so I can proceed into this reckless behavior.

Are we meant to be?  Am I a victim of a wicked cupid?  Can anything good actually come from this?

I think of him.
I want him.
I see him.
I want him.
I smell him.
I want him.

Damn, I can’t quit it.

To B or wait for D?

I professed my love and was rejected.  My feelings are hurt.  My mind is overanalyzing every tiny bit of very itty bitty piece of conversation or interaction.  Of course, I want the perfect movie ending, where D will realize his mistakes and come to me out of breath or in the middle of school or as I am boarding a plane.  I have no idea what happens after that blessed moment, since that is normally the end.  Still, I would buy an airplane ticket if I thought it would speed up D’s thought process and make him realize that he does need and want me.

Woe is me.  I want to make up for being rejected, but I don’t want to create more problems.  I have a telepathic power I can’t really control.  Sometimes when I think about people, they call.  I don’t mean I can get them to call in seconds, and I can’t control it in any way.  I am pretty sure I couldn’t get D to call me right now.  Still, as I was thinking about being reject, B or rather meaningless sex crossed my mind.

B and I broke up because he was a thirty year old boy.  It was ages ago, but he still calls around holidays and on rainy summer days (he loves to golf).  For some reasons when we broke up, B couldn’t get over it.  He swears he didn’t know what he had when he had it.  He constantly asks for one more chance.  Sometimes he texts and I ignore them; other times, I am mean; and even fewer time am I very nice.  I hate to encourage him.  I realized after I subconsciously summoned his call this time that he was actually me only, I guess, less persistent.

Would I always be trying to get D to answer my texts?  Would I be constantly seeking his attention like the heartbroken moron I am now?  At least B had limited his texts and contacts to holidays and rain delays; I am not lasting two days without annoying D in some maniac way.   Yet B doesn’t have it any better than me; at least, I get to make a scene every now and then.

So, here’s my dilemma.  Do I have some fun with B?  Maybe he deserves a chance?  Maybe dating B will end in D storming through a crowded bar proclaiming his love for me on NYE?  Maybe I would break B’s heart like mine is broken right now?  I don’t want to do that.  It goes back to there is no such thing as no strings attached sex.

I love a boy; he loves a girl.  Another boy thinks he loves me, it doesn’t sound okay to take advantage of those feelings just to get laid.  Or just to get over D.


Clueless at Christmas

I have been clueless, or I am delusional now.  D used to drive me nuts with his jokes, sound effects, and touchy-feely behavior.  Now all I wish is to have it all back.  I wanted to change him before, so I backed off and didn’t try.  Now, I actually love him for all the crap I hated about him before.  I am confusing; clearly he thinks so. too.

Finally out of his four year relationship, moving out, and looking for houses, D came to my house one night seeking revenge sex.  I had already realized that I couldn’t hold back any longer.  After years of his attentive ways, I realized my mistake or had become delusional, not sure which is which.

Why can’t I have a boyfriend that likes me when I haven’t showered?  Why can’t I have a boyfriend that lights up when I enter a room?  Why can’t I have a boyfriend that makes a point to talk to me first or touch me in some way with each greeting?  Why can’t I have someone special that really thinks I am special?

I thought D was that person.  After four years of his laying his ground work, I had finally seen how great he really was, despite his F-bombs and poor grammar.  He had spent the last year being flirty and alluding to sex.  He cared about me, and I thought he really liked me for me.

Maybe it was just a game.  Maybe it was just revenge because he knew it drove me crazy.  Maybe he isn’t complicated at all, just as he says.  Maybe he is just another dumbass boy.

Needless to say, when he came over for revenge sex it took all my willpower to attempt to say no.  He had made the excuse of a quick shower that ended in him standing in the shower begging me to get it with him.  I made him stand alone for a few minutes, but I couldn’t avoid it any longer.  D had made it clear his relationship was over for the last six months; I am such a stupid girl.

My original theory that no string attached sex doesn’t existed was proven right on the money for the millionth time.  I knew D wasn’t ready for something super serious; although in my head we were driving to the courthouse.  Why do I even do that?  I don’t really ever wish to get married, but my imagination goes wacko when dealing with love.  I decided to just ignore my unreasonable daydreams and just be happy to have D around.  Maybe that is where I went wrong.

Our roles instantly switched.  Instead of him lighting up, I lit up when he finally came around.  One night he came over, I had a friend over, and he was all over me.  If she left the room, he kissed me.  He touched my leg or arm the whole time.  My friend was a little surprised, since it was so new, I didn’t know what to call it.  I was not going to say anything to friends until I knew what it was.

This encounter stepped up my imagination.  This could be the real thing.  Our timing was right.  We could make each other happy.  There is a song “The Stone” about needing someone to take care of you in exchange for taking care of them.  It’s about being each other’s support and love.  As you can see by this time, I was quite delusional or at the very least fucking in love.  Neither feeling I need.

Just when things looked like they were going to work out, BAM!  Halloween came, quickie in the afternoon, perfection.  After the party started, everything went wrong.  I was him.  I didn’t follow him around, but if we met, I had to stand next to him.  I found reasons to touch him or whisper in his ear.  I was him!  I wasn’t very fond of the behavior when I was receiving it, but I couldn’t stop myself from doing it all the same.

He stopped texting me; he stopped calling me; he stopped visiting me.  I couldn’t get him to answer my calls.  It took a whole week to get him alone and ask what was up.  He was nervous for some reason and didn’t want to talk.  I knew something was up, but I was so delusional (for sure this time).  I am perceptive normally; still, I didn’t want to see that something was different.  I wanted to express my love and tell him that I could wait as long as he needed to get himself settled.  After all, I knew he was in the process of moving out.  I just wanted to scream, “WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE FINALLY!!”

But we weren’t, and I wasn’t going to accept the signs.  Here I was professing my love while he looked through porn sites.  Yes, he had made jokes before about porn, and his conversation starter that night, after not seeing or talking to me for a week, was, “Let’s check out the porn on your computer.”  I thought he was being funny, but I now believe he was trying to avoid any serious conversation.  Apparently I can block out anything, I continued to tell him all my feelings and how I could wait.  He listened, let me give him head (I’m such an ass), and left.

Again I didn’t talk to him for a week.  Finally I told my sister to talk to him.  D’s idea of no string attached sex was different than mine.  When I finally spoke with him, he admitted to sleeping with his ex-girlfriend.  Crediting being under the same roof and a four year relationship ending, he said he couldn’t handle strings right now.

Okay, I am not twenty.  I am good with a static relationship, but I am so pass multiple sex partners.  Doing the right thing always gets me crap.  I have lost boys before by doing the right thing.  It pisses me off.

Now, it is days before Christmas and New Year’s.  I am alone.  D barely talks to me.  I saw him a couple nights ago, and he hugged me long and hard.  I don’t know what that means.  I tried hard to get annoyed by his grammar and his above average use of fucking as an adjective; but in the end, he smelled so good.  Which is probably why he still avoided being alone with me.  I don’t know if he has finally moved or not.  Rumor was he moved out and back in.  I don’t know that to be true.  I don’t know anything.  He hasn’t talked to me for more than ten minutes in at least a month.

He used to come over three or four times a week for nothing.  Sex was added.  My feelings got hurt.  They are probably going to get married.  My daydreams only consist of their New Year’s kiss.  I hope and pray and wish….for him. I am such a loser.  Now I am alone for the holidays.

Why can’t life be like a movie?  Why can’t I get the guy in the end?  Why can’t it just be a Christmas miracle?