School Dreams

The night before the first day of school always gets me antsy.  Even when I am completely prepared for the first weeks, I still have wild dreams.  ACTUALLY, I have strange school dreams throughout the year, too.  They are both caused by stress, a part of life.  Normally they involve trying to find another teacher or administrator to stop some strange behavior in class.  I imagine myself a comedian getting booed.  I hustle around trying to find a back up plan or a worksheet, while students fly anything from paper airplanes to large knives through the air.  Never can I find help; I scream for help over and over.  Sometimes the school is empty, the phone is busy, or all the halls are titling back and forth  like in a funhouse.  Other times, my assistant principal tells me that I am just making a big deal about the knives; they are not weapons unless they are making a verbal threat, he says.  I have had all types of school dreams.  It is impossible to fall asleep.

I am just like any  kid that starts the first day of school.  I have had 28 firsts days of school!   I ALWAYS dress is new clothes; I have always tried to get my picture taken for nostalgia purposes.   I always buy new school supplies for myself…new pens and post-its.  Buying just supplies for the classroom is not enough; although it does help.

Everything about the first day of school makes me all giggy inside.   I get to meet new students.  I get a new beginning.  One great thing about teaching is that if the year is not going as well as you want, the year is always nearly over.  The first day is a fresh start.  I have new hopes and dreams.  Plus I really enjoy teaching.  I don’t think there is another job I would want to do more than teach.  Even if the pay was minimum wage, I would still be doing this.

Anything could happen.  It is all starting THIS week.

Another great thing being a teacher is we get a practice day.  Tomorrow is the first day for teachers; Tuesday is the first day for students.  I get the same feelings for both days.  I intend on some pretty vivid dreams tonight.  Two first days…both are probably equally as useless.  My mother told me to remember how boring the teachers’ first day is, so I will be sympathetic to the students when I drone on and on about classroom rules and such.  I promise to try, Mom.  It has to start somewhere, and I AM READY FOR IT TO START.

Bring it on, TEENAGERS!  Bring it on, TEACHERS!  Bring it on, PRINCIPAL!

Bring it on, DISTRICT! Bring it on, PARENTS!

I am ready for it all.  If I only can get through the first days without any sleep.