Tinder My Foot!

My relationship woes continue.  Of course, it was bound to happen, but I ran into D with the new girl.  Thankfully, she was not a super model, nor am I though.  I have tried to push through.  I don’t need him.  He treated me like crap for the last year; regardless of how he treated me prior to that.  The charm that he had when we first started this evil venture has long since wore off now.  He has not been that man for years.  I really have no idea why I am so hurt by it; my view of this make believe relationship is absurd.  Am I really this delusional?  I find myself wondering if it ever resembled the picture in my head.

ANYHOW, I thought I would change my outlook. I would find a new guy that would be perfect for me….or just someone different to stop my mind from thinking of what the freak went wrong.  My last few relationships have ended miserably.  Not to mention, I seem to actually attract losers.

Now I know what you are thinking…no one just attracts losers.  Well, this time I have actual proof that just by looking at me at first glance, losers stop and notice.

In my attempt to open the door to new people, I joined Tinder.  I know this is probably not the best way, but I am not meeting anyone at work.  The bar seems like loser heaven.  I don’t have a clue how to pick up a guy.  Should I just in a library or a grocery store and wait?  Should I walk loops around the park or go to church?  So, I started small.  I am trying.  I am new at this.

Tinder is a site to meet people in your area.  The app allows you to look through photos and short descriptions of people.  It is linked to Facebook, so it in some cases, you can see if your friends are friends with the person in the photo.  At first it wasn’t bad.  The rejection is painless.  If you like the photo or whatnot, you like it.  If you don’t, you don’t like it.  If the person in the photo receives your photo and also likes it, then you have a match and both people are told

So, all was well.  I met a couple guys too far away, but oh well.  I was still trying.  The other night I was contacted by one guy.  He seemed nice enough, and after a little chatting, he mentioned he thought we knew each other from a high school job.  I vaguely remembered his name, but I figured this was a decent sign.  Apparently we were both in relationships at that time so long ago.   It took another ten minutes of chatting for him to reveal that he was unhappily married and only looking for attention.  (He actually says this!)  He was not sure he wanted to step out on her just yet.  WTF?!?!?  What girl wants this?  Why would I want to give him attention when he is only lacking attention because he’s been an ass to his wife for the last ten years?  When I ask him about it….he says that they are best friends.  Oh isn’t that pretty and cute….what an asshole!

Any suggestions are welcome.  I am thinking I might try just about anything.