Locker Room;

School opened with little conflict.  The students were on their best behavior, mainly because their brains have not yet been activated. I did my share of talking, but I did get them out of their seats for one activity. A few students came to me during free time; I find this rewarding yet disappointing for those students who do not know their classmates.  One student said he hated working on assignments where he had to talk to other people.  Another student asked if he could sleep on the floor because he preferred sleeping  until 7:30 every evening. A couple girls in my Honors class laughed when I asked the class if anyone read for fun.  They both thought it was funny because they read to avoid people.  I hope middle school will bring them all out of their comfort zone.  That may be the point of middle school.

My last hour class could literally not be contained.  With only 24 desks, the thirty students were cramped in chairs through the rows.  The stench was unbelievable in the room.  By the end of the day, normally a class is bound to have one stinking kid.  Somehow the stinking kids were spread out throughout the room creating the aroma only known from the locker room after a homecoming football game.  I am still surprised the odor left with them. I actually gave the “We are teenagers now, so we need to remember deodorant and showers regularly, especially after PE.”  It seemed rather early and broad, since I normally give this speech to only one student at a time, not an entire class.  Not sure if I convinced the students that needed the most help; the smell may venture forth again.  I may have to sniff out the stinkers on my own.  Lovely…they do not teach you that in college.

My covered feet were ripped apart from pacing back and forth repeating myself over and over again.  I should have just wore the flip-flops.  When did flip-flops become unprofessional anyway? My district does not actually say this, but I thought I would step out of my normal clothes.  It did nothing but give me blisters.

Despite the war wounds and the stench, I am in it for the long haul.  My first goal is to get these kids to know each other.  They were so incredibly shy.  Of course, I will laugh out loud in March when I revisit this wish of the kids being more comfortable and chatty.  Still, I am prepared.  This is going to be a great year!