Back to Busy

Just as I expected, I caught up and then was swamped.  Spending Labor Day grading essays made me neglect all my other responsibilities.  As I tried to catch up with my friends and family (thank gawd I don’t have my own children), I ordered supplies, started both grade levels on major projects, attempted to plan a field trip, made dance plans and continued to stock the concession stand.  I fought with another union member because a three day warning that I needed his initials on some paperwork wasn’t enough for him to check his mailing address.  I met with a parent after school, graded make up work before grades were due, adjusted grades to correct a technology error by the new grading program, submitted reading goals and grades, double checked grades over and over again, and went to a union meeting. All while the newspaper asked us our opinion on the President’s motivational speech.  Something I wanted to hear, but I never did make time for his uplifting words.  I lost a student to an angry parent who cursed the assistant principal for my giving the boy detention for not bringing his book to class for the second time in three weeks.  Still, I spent all day Thursday rushing to get my last twenty-two essays graded.  .  It was four days of non-stop work.

My family is neglected even though I saw them two days in my four day week of school.  Still it is a shock to their systems that I am not as readily available.  It is a shock to my system too.  I have been working without any ME time, too.  And right now, ME time is so far down on the list, it is bound to be pushed farther down the list as Monday peeks his ugly head around the corner.  This weekend alone, I struggled to clean my house, help out various friends with long overdue work, and caught up with friends on a camping trip.  My goal is not to make myself sick from overwork.

The FOURTH week of school and I am not back in my routine YET.  This is a tough start. Next week, I have big plans.  Our advertisements for Grandparent’s Day and the Dance will be put in place.  Our first volleyball game will mark the beginning of the concession session.  Student Council elections will take place on Thursday morning.  And I still get to teach five classes a day.   The 7th graders will be finishing their projects in the computer lab and will read a story.  The 8th graders will finally start their novels and take a poetry quiz.  This week is going to be 50% teaching and 50% odd jobs from hell.  Just when things seem overwhelming, I get five day to complete the work.  It may be breeze.  I am be pulling out my hair by Wednesday.

Nine percent done with the school year; midterm grades are here; and we are now on the downward slide of the first grading period.  It is proving to be so much work; I hardly have time to prove how much work being a teacher involves.  When you live your life in six week increments, time flies.

LET THE PARTY BEGIN…okay the week, but the positive thought can’t hurt.